Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2017

Autumn impressions of a monastery garden

Kloster Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Germany

8 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful sunny autumn photos. You have found a lovely place to read :)

  2. Ich liiiebe diese Art von Gärten, das Bild vom hortus conclusus, die Mischung aus formaler gestaltung und natürlichem Wuchs...

  3. ...Mascha, a lovely spot, thanks for taking my along!

  4. What a great day for taking photos. And so relaxing. Lovely photos.

  5. Gleich wiedererkannt, den Kloster-Michaelstein-Garten... Und mich gefreut. Was hattest du da für himmlisches Wetter in all dem Grün und Bunt, der Fülle dieser Jahreszeit. Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  6. Lovely! I am finding it may take me a lifetime to discover a lifetime to see all of Germany's beauty.

  7. There are so many corners in the garden of this abbey! Can imagine this does not quickly grow old! Wow it has been so long ago that I read a book outside! Many thanks for showing more of this garden for All Seasons -many thanks:)
    About your comment about how high I live, it is 3000 feet, which is approximately
    1000 meters, which is high enough for me! Hope your week is a good one:)


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