Freitag, 8. Dezember 2017

Friday Five and the pictures of this week

(decoration in a shop, it's not my home)

Good morning,
it's friday again and time to join with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five
and All Seasons


Found this plant in the scrap container at the cemetery.
Never seen before.
Any idea, what it is?


The last flowers at my stairs.
Still not Christmas decoration.
But I could not decide to put them away.


First snow we had on sunday.


Christmas market...


My way home from downtown

Have a cozy weekend

6 Kommentare:

  1. ...I'd love to see a Christmas market, perhaps one. Thanks for sharing all of these beautiful sights of the season.

  2. Sure looks like Christmas in your town . . . oooh, thank you for the wonder of it.

  3. The Christmas market looks so inviting and fun. I loved looking at your Christmas scenes in your photos.

  4. Oh I love the Christmas market! What gorgeous photos, Mascha!

  5. Love the photos of the Christmas market and your way home....amazing you still have such colorful flowers blooming! Can you take the scrap plant home? A shame to let it die and be thrown away....thanks for linking Mascha!!


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