Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2017

Railwaystation Vienenburg

This is the oldest railway station in Germany, what is still working.
Nearby was the inner German border.
After it's opening it gained importance as a transfer station.
Whenever I travel, I often go there.
In the building is a little café, a railway museum, a library and a tourist information.
That is a lot for a small station.
Many station buildings in Germany are lost now and demolished...
Here all is pretty and I like the old signs and lanterns and trains.
It's always a joy to have time of waiting for the next train and look around here..

(an old prepaired post, photos made in november)

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...Mascha, it's wonderful to know that this treasure from the past is still in use. I found the sign to Hannover interesting. From Christmas of 1991 until June of 1992 a Germany boy from lived with us while he went to the local high school with our daughters. So now you know that I have a 'German son.' Thanks Mascha for sharing, enjoy your Christmas.

    1. Ein Wunder, dass dieser schöne Gründerzeitbahnhof so gut erhalten ist. Das kann man wirklich von denen in NRW nicht sagen. Selbst große Ruhrgebietsstädte haben solche, die unter aller Sau sind. Das macht mich oft traurig bis wütend. Offensichtlich hat der Museumsbetrieb da Einiges gerettet.

  2. Mascha, fascinating depot. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am fascinated by trains. Perhaps because I grew up on a farm with a railroad track running next to our property. Would love to visit this station one day. Beautifully photographed.


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