Montag, 25. Dezember 2017

Love light

We wanted to do something this season that was
filled with light for us all & it turns out the easiest way
 to start is just saying we love you & we're glad you're here.

- storypeople -

7 Kommentare:

  1. You always have such fantastic photos! The loooooong white limousine made me smile!

  2. I hope you have a Happy Christmas, dear Mascha !!

  3. Interesting how snow stuck to the side of the building!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and blessings to continue throughout the new year.

  4. Wishing a very Merry Christmas, Mascha.

  5. I wish you good days ahead.
    Love Anne-Mari

  6. The new limo looks out of place against all the old buildings. Beautiful old buildings I might add. Happy New Year!

  7. How fitting to do the post of "Light" for the celebration on the 25th of "the Light of the world." Hope you enjoyed Christmas, Mascha:) "See" you back on New Years Eve for All Seasons (the linky will be open from Sunday to Friday noon next week).


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