Freitag, 15. Juni 2018

Friday Five and a balloon

Good morning,

I'm back at Willy Nilly Friday,
joining with Tom.


We had wonderful warm weather for a long time,
I often was gone for a swim to our public pool.
It's nearby and an especially joy for me.


The other side: since winter is gone, we had not serious rain, all is very dry.
Often we saw rainy clouds, but no one drop came down.
In public parks the rhododendrons lost all their leaves,
and the other bushes look all so sad.


I had a lot of trouble with the renovation of bathroom,
the man, who should do it, has begun and came not back to finish.
Three weeks lived in a mess and could not use it.
Was not my best time...


I often think about Nancy (Rural Journal) and very miss her.
And I miss Tanya and some bloggers from UK,
which I met earlier every friday at Amy's Five on Friday.
Blogger contacts are so fragile.
In times of European DSGVO a lot of German bloggers closed their blogs,
 because it is to difficult with the new rules. Sigh!


Again the balloon was flying over my head and I took some photos.
I like to see it, but my cat hate it.
Makes such an especiallu "dangerous" noise.

Share these photos with Skywatch Friday.

Have a nice weekend

6 Kommentare:

  1.'s still a bit cool for swimming.
    ...we could use so rain too.
    ...sounds like your hired that wrong man.
    ...there seem to be many bloggers that disappear, they are missed.
    Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your week and keep looking up at that wonderful balloon.

  2. Wonderful shots of the passing balloon in the clouded sky.
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

  3. Those "watercolors" are so pretty. - It's not been a super warm summer here but then again we don't get the hot weather until July. - No pool visiting here yet. - We have had some rain, I feel for those who don't get much. - What a bummer about your bathroom. I hope it is working now for you. - Yes I miss Nancy too & the new rules do seem to effect blogging for sure. Have a lovely day.

  4. Awesome photos, Mascha and I love the paintings! Tanya is still at her blog, she just doesn't host the Five anymore. She recently took a short break, but try her again. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Beautiful photographs! I also love the painting.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Love the watercolors and also the balloon photos. Beautiful sky shots!!


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