Samstag, 24. August 2019

The Weekend Roundup

Joining again with Tom

1. Starts with "H": heads (and house in reflection)

2. A favorite: hosta

3. A half lemon makes a good refreshing

As a bonus here are Herman's Hermits with
"I'm Henry VIII, I am"

8 Kommentare:

  1. I did so much enjoy your bonus at the end - brought back memories. I love Hosta leave, not the flowers. Good reflections in the last image. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. H, und dann Herrman's Hermits, da muss man drauf kommen! Da war ich dreizehn und zum ersten Mal verliebt...
    Die Hostas sind mir momentan näher und werden bei unserer Trockenheit eifrig gegossen. Deine Fotos von ihnen sind stimmungsvoll.-
    Ich mach doch wieder ne Linkparty ab morgen monatlich zu "Mein Freund, der Baum". Das hast du sicher viele schöne Fotos beizusteuern.
    Ansonsten: Dir & dem Gefährten alles Gute!

  3. your Heads!
    ...many of my Hostas aren't looking so nice after the hot dry summer.
    ...the Half lemon looks refreshing.
    ...Herman's Hermits and "I'm Henry VIII, I am" sure is a flash from the past.
    Thanks Masha for stopping by, I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

  4. The heads are a cool find! The half shot is beautifully done. Love Herman's Hermits. Sure brings back memories.

  5. Hi Mascha. Sorry I am late. Will all kinds of excuses count? I like all those heads lined up. Hosta is nice, I'm not familiar with them.
    Have a nice rest of the week.

  6. Hi Masha,
    You have lovely "H" photos! I loved Herman Hermits! Just the other day I heard "There's a Kind of Hush" on the radio, I really liked all their songs! I also, love just about anything that is lemon! Have a good week.


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