Montag, 16. September 2019

"Dream" by Boris Pasternak


(Please click on "play at youtube", there it's running - 
I could not found another record of this great song, sorry)

Мне снилась осень в полусвете стёкол,
Друзья и ты в их шутовской гурьбе,
И, как с небес добывший крови сокол,
Спускалось сердце на руку к тебе.

Но время шло, и старилось, и глохло,
И паволокой рамы серебря,
Заря из сада обдавала стёкла
Кровавыми слезами сентября.

Но время шло и старилось. И рыхлый,
Как лёд, трещал и таял кресел шёлк.
Вдруг, громкая, запнулась ты и стихла,
И сон, как отзвук колокола, смолк.

Я пробудился. Был, как осень, тёмен
Рассвет, и ветер, удаляясь, нёс,
Как за возом бегущий дождь соломин,
Гряду бегущих по небу берёз.

Transliteration by Ida Zamirskaya, found here

I had a dream: the fall in glassy night noon,
You and your friends’ circle acting the buffoon,
Onto your palm descending bleeding heart
That’s like a falcon full with heaven’s blood.

While passing, time was getting old, lost ears,
The daybreak silvered over window-frames
And blushed until September shed the tears
Under the reddish screen onto window-panes.

While passing, time was getting old. The silk
Of easy-chairs tore, was no stronger.
Suddenly your resounding talking ceased, -
The dream subsided like the bells ding-donging.

When I woke up, the autumn morning dawned.
As if the straw behind a hay-cart stormed,
The range of birches bolted down the wind
Upon the sky remaining their print.

6 Kommentare:

  1. That is a beautiful song with beautiful autumn viewa & art <3

  2. So wird's bald wieder aussehen...Und ich freu mich schon drauf.
    Herzliche Grüße!
    Demnächst mal mehr...

  3. ...Masha a fabulous tune to go with your beautiful images. This is a great way to start my Monday morning, thanks so much. I hope that you have a special week.

  4. Hello!!! here at my house - it's warm & humid (the air feels heavy when it's humid)
    And , i am SO Happy to hear from you. I am always astounded by your Beautiful Art.

    Hope you are well & happy.
    love & love,


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