Playing a new round with Tom
1. Starts with "K":
Katze, Kirschen, Kirche, Kloster, Karotten, Kohlroulade, Kino, Kassenbon, Kabolzschieszen, Klettergerüst, Kobold, Karre, Kutsche, Käfig, Kellertür, Kartoffeln, Kohlen, Kichererbsenmus, Konfitüre, Kasten, Kaltmamsell, Klabautermann, Kontrolleur, Kittchen, Kanzleramt, Kühlschrankmutter, Krauseminze, Kerbel, Küchenfenster, kerngesund, Känguruh, Kühe, Kartenspiel, Kollaborateur, Klempner, Klamotten, Kitsch, Kunst, Kostenfalle, Kackhaus, Kontogebühr, Kreditkarte, Kamillentee, Karamelmilch, Karussell, Köter, Knickerbocker, Koitus, Kürassier, Kantenhocker, Kölnisch Wasser, Klause, Kartause, Kerze, Kennenlernpaket, Kalmücken, Kalzium, Kalium, Kotztüte, Kalbfleisch, Kalkstein, Kobaltblau, Karminrot, Käfer, Kanne, Korb, Kachel, Kartenspiel, Kompasz, Kolibri, Kreidefelsen, Karaffe, Kreiszsaal, Kaliber, Karamellen, Kamel, Kamelle, Kolumne, Kombucha, Kochtopf, Kessel, Kleider, Kuchen, Kekse, Kasserolle, Kurkuma, Kandelaber, Kalschnikow, Kernspintomographie, Kandare, Kitz, Kipferl, Kalmus, kugelrund, Klassenraum, Katheder, Kanzel, Kerker, Kanalratte, Karzinom, Kulleraugen, Kaiserschnitt, Körnerbrot und Kaffeepott
- what by the fuck starts with "K" in English?!?
- what by the fuck starts with "K" in English?!?
Well, let's take killer: here's our domestic mouse killer
A favorite: knitwear
Kinds: some kinds of apples and fruits
As a bonus the sound of Kitaro
...everyone needs a Killer this time of year.
AntwortenLöschen...and Knitwear is important at this time of year.
...we are show all Kinds of apple at this time of year.
...and your bonus is a BANG!
Thanks Masha for checking in, take care and enjoy your weekend.
Great mix of photos. It's getting close to being sweater weather where I live in Connecticut, US.
AntwortenLöschenKiller Kat looks sooo very Komfortable after eating her Kill. You have found some really nice "K" words, Mascha. Love your "kind" fruit supply.
AntwortenLöschenWe also have a very nice neighborhood pool three blocks from our home. And our house had the pool when we moved here. But it is about six blocks from our daughter and KP, our youngest granddaughter.
Have a nice weekend. Thank you for your very nice comments.
Pretty kitty. It's going to be time to get the knitwear out one of these days, but we are still in the 90s. Those apples look delish!
AntwortenLöschenHa, was für ein cooler post !
AntwortenLöschenDurch die " knitweare " hast du mich auf die Idee gebracht, meine mittlerweile zu kurz gewordenen Strickpulli mit einer Spitze zu verlängern.
Bei deinem Pulli schaut das toll aus.
Jetzt muss ich nur gucken, wo ich solche Borden bekomme, notfalls mus ich selber welche häkeln ;-)
Einen gemütlichen Sonntag wünsche ich dir