Samstag, 7. September 2019

The Weekend Roundup

Playing a new round with Tom

1. Starts with "J": Jesus

He's wandering over the Cemetery in Quedlingburg.

2. A favorite: Jam

I like the simple things: a yogurt (in German it starts with "j")
and a bit of jam are delicoius for me.

3. "Junk" - is the most, what comes into my mailbox every day.
In times of climate change should be prohibited such a waste of paper!

This kind of junk seems more poetically for me

Maybe it could still be a sweater or a scarf?

In matching to my jam and spoon photo here the Techno Project Jam & Spoon.
The sound isn't evererybodys taste, but I wish, the Age of love will coming soon - 

5 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, beautiful edits!
    ...I 'J'ust had some 'J'am that I made for breakfast. seems that all we receive is 'J'unk mail. abandoned building is eye candy to me!
    Thanks for stopping by, I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

  2. Your junk pics are awesome! Jam is a favorite of mine. I posted Jesus, too. Yours is magnificent!

  3. I love jam too! never had it in yogurt but I do have a dollop on my oatmeal sometimes.

  4. Liebe Mascha,
    es war interessant zu lesen, was dir für den Buchstaben "J " eingefallen ist.
    Joghurt mit Marmelade esse ich auch manchmal. obwohl es für Diabetiker ja nicht gerade empfehlenswert ist ;-)
    Und die anderen fotos, besonders die Maroden Gebäude finde ich immer wieder spannend und regen meine Phantasie an. Allerdings dürfte es das nicht geben, dass man Gebäude so verfallen lässt.
    Lieber baut man neue, teuere und unbezahlte Wohnungen, mir unverständlich!
    Überhaupt zeigt mir dein Post die Verschwendung, die überall zur Normalität werden zu scheint.
    Aber ich fühle mich machtlos dem gegenüber,
    es bleibt nur, für sich selbst nach bestem Wissen und gewissen zu handeln !
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Your "J" word is The Best. Can't ever go wrong with "Jesus" unless you reject him. Even then He isn't wrong but is hopefully waiting for your asking forgiveness.
    I like jogurt but it is not a favorite of mine. I didn't even know what it was when I studied three semesters of college German. It may not have been invented way back then.
    Last week I learned some about your health situation but nothing specific. I hope it is not a life long deal. Bless you, i pray.
    And forgiveness, please forgive me for coming so late. Between family, doctor visits, and my slowness I am having trouble keeping up.


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