Montag, 30. September 2019

Fuck all the perfect people


To be or not to be
To free or not to free
To crawl or not to crawl
Fuck all those perfect people!
To sleep or not to sleep
To creep or not to creep
And some can't remember, what others recall
Fuck all those perfect people!
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
No I'm not talking about you!
To stand or not to stand
To plan or not to plan
To store or not to store
Fuck all those perfect people!
To drink or not to drink
To think or not to think
Some choose to dismember, you're rising your thoughts
And fuck all those perfect people!
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
No I, I'm talking about you!
To sing or not to sing
To swing or not to swing
(Hell) He fills up the silence like a choke on the wall
Fuck all those perfect people!
To pray or not to pray
To sway or not to sway
Jesus died for something - or nothing at all.
Fuck all those perfect people!
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
No I, I'm talking about you!

Songwriter: Chip Taylor

6 Kommentare:

  1. I love your black & white mosaics - and the song is great! I totally agree :))

  2. Bei der Überschrift bin ich etwas zusammen gezuckt,
    aber nachdem ich den Post geöffnet hatte, war mir alles klar ;-)
    Toller post, toller Song !
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Ja der Titel läszt anderes vermuten... aber ich finde den Song und das Video dazu einfach nur schön!
      Liebe Grüsze zum Wochenstart

  3. ...Masha I too was put off by the title of the song. Your collages and the tune and video are fabulous! I've never met any prefect people, but many who think that they are!!! Thanks my friend for sharing this week, enjoy.

  4. 😄Mascha!!! You surprised me. giggle.
    I am astonished by your art choices today. They strike at my heart. I REALLY Appreciate them. - And, this music - I've never heard it before . . . I'm Grateful you decided to share it today. love & love to you . . -g- 💙

  5. There's something special about this post!
    Thanks for sharing at


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