Montag, 11. November 2019

The way it goes

Becky Johnson bought the farm
Put a needle in her arm
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

And her brother laid her down
In the cold Kentucky ground
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

That's the way that it goes
Everybody's buying little baby clothes
That's the way that it ends
Though there was a time when she and I were friends

Well, Miranda ran away
Took her cat and left LA
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

She was busted, broke and flat
Had to sell that pussy cat
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

That's the way that it goes
Everybody's buying little baby clothes
That's the way that it ends
Though there was a time when he and I were friends

See the brightest ones of all
Early in October fall
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

While the dark ones go to bed
With good whiskey in their head
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

Now Billy Joe's back in the tank
You tell Russo, I'll tell Frank
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

Did he throw her down a well?
Did she leave him for that swell?
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

That's the way that it goes
Everybody's buying little baby clothes
That's the way that it ends
Though there was a time when all of us were friends

When you lay me down to rest
Leave a pistol in my vest
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

Do you miss my gentle touch?
Did I hurt you very much?
That's the way that it goes
That's the way

That's the way that it goes
Everybody's buying little baby clothes
That's the way that it ends
Though there was a time when you and I were friends

7 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful photos & collages! This is a new song for me, too.

  2. Gerade habe ich deine wunderbaren Collagen zu Teil eines Alterchens gemacht... zu schön!
    Hab's fein!

  3. Liebe Mascha,
    deine Collagen erinnern mich an Briefe, die ich früher mal an eine Freundin geschrieben habe - die waren auch voller Bild-Schnipsel und ganz eng beschriftet... Kleinkunstwerke. Es gab soo viel zu sagen...
    Danke für deinen Kommentar im EiNaB-Blog, ich habe dir dort eine Antwort geschrieben. Und deine Petition bzügl. Bäume in Braunschweig habe ich auch unterschrieben und auf Facebook geteilt. Selbst wenn ich nicht in Braunschweig, nicht einmal in Deutschland, sondern in Österreich, lebe - es sollte uns jeder Baum (zumidest) wertvoll genug für eine Unterschrift sein...
    Herzliche Rostrosengrüße

  4. ...Gillian Welch beautiful voice is great on this sad tune. Your collages and images always a delight. Thanks masha for stopping by, enjoy your week!

  5. Thanks for joining this week's linkup at


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