After a few weeks of absence joining again with Tom
Starts with "R": rusty
A favorite: all the red roofs of my town
"Red" - a guy with a red jacket
As a bonus here comes "Rainbow" with "Catch the rainbow"
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I forgot 'rusty' alltogether :) Red roofs are beautiful. Happy weekend!
AntwortenLöschenWelcome back, Mascha. I like every one of your nice "R's" and it would be hard to pick a favorite. The ladder at the window over the rusty shed in front of the house tells a story in itself. Did someone elope? Or is there an unwanted person in the house now? Or the painters went of coffee? Your clown in Red is cute and the red roof is gorgeous. We hardly ever have red ones in the U.S, perhaps San Antonio has a few but I didn't see any when I lived in El Paso. Those two towns have the heaviest Hispanic populations.
...what is it about rust, I love it! Those red tile roof are beautiful. A happy little fellow in a red coat. GREAT video! Thanks Masha for checking in, I hope that you are having a great weekend.
AntwortenLöschenSind all' diese Bauruinen, die Du manchmal zeigst, in Deiner Nähe? Ich kenne es so aus Quedlnburg - der Kern ist wirklich optisch hübsch saniert, aber schon etwas außerhalb der Touristenwege etwas gab es teilweise ziemliche Bruchbuden, die unbewohnbar waren. Das war allerdings vor 4 oder 5 Jahren …
AntwortenLöschenUnd Fotos von Dächern können mich auch immer wieder begeistern :-)
Gemütliche Sonntagsgrüße schickt Silke
Your "R" photos are lovely. The man/clown in the red jacket is my favorite! Have a good weekend, Mascha!
I like the red roofs as well and there is something about the first photo. I imagine it must have been a beautiful building.
AntwortenLöschenLove the red roofs ... and it is amazing how beautiful rust can be!
AntwortenLöschenI enjoy finding rust to photograph. Those red roofs are wonderful, but the clown is my favorite.