Montag, 13. April 2020

Love from a distance

8 Kommentare:

  1. ..."love from a distance" is the story of life these days! What a wonderful tune, I would like to use this one. Masha your black and whites are perfect for these times, but color will return. Thanks my friend for sharing this wonderful post, take care and stay safe.

  2. Hi Mascha. Thanks for your post and for sharing it at
    Be sure to visit again next week. No one else has mentioned having problems viewing the site.
    In the meantime, stay safe! I hope this finds you well.

  3. this is wonderful post, the music is great!
    take care and stay safe.
    Greetings Elke

  4. These are lovely! I particularly like the dandelion seed-head.

  5. Eine schöne Auswahl an tollen Motiven.
    Schwarz/weiß macht die Fotos oft noch interessanter !
    Sei lieb gegrüßt und bleib weiterhin gesund.
    Lass uns hoffen.


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