Montag, 25. Januar 2021

New home


I will come to a point in my life
When I decide not to hide anymore
I will pack my bag
And leave my friends
My home
Leave everything
And go away
I will be strong
I will be proud
And not afraid of anything that will come along
And I promise you I make my way through the day
And through the night
With a smile on my face
I leave this dirty place
To find myself a new home
And if anybody wants to know
Where I am
Tell him
I'm gone to find myself
A new home

Iwill eat what I get
And sleep outside
Cause I won't need anything
There will be no space
And be no time
And I will try
To be myself
And I will live in harmonie
With everything that surrounds me
I will have good days
I will have bad days
But I will feel alive
With a smile on my face
I leave this dirty place
To find myself a new home
And if anybody wants to know
Where I am
Tell him
I'm gone to find myself
A new home
A new home
A new home
A new home
I will miss my friends
And miss my home
Cause I will be
I will ask myself
For many times
If that is worth
To be free
But then I will remind myself
Of what I'm looking for
With a smile on my face
I will go to another place
To find myself a new home
And if anybody wants to know
Where I am
Just tell him
I'm gone
To find myself
A new home

Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, what a song! We all need a home and so many around the world don't have a safe place to call. Thanks you so much for introducing to to this special song.

  2. Sorry i have not visited you in a long while. Best wishes for the new year 2021.
    I am still posting Monday WRites at my

    much love...

  3. Marvelous images. The first one really struck me - love the light in that shot.
    Thanks for sharing at


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