Dienstag, 5. Januar 2021

A thousand miles apart



 even when they're
a thousand miles
apart, not a night
goes by where they
don't look up &
thank the universe
for the starlight
of each other...

 - Kay Skye -  

7 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Marscha du haben die Collagen wieder super schön gemacht und die Texte sind auch völlig korrekt. und besonders das photo des Sterns zog meine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich.

  2. ...we all look up at the sky, sun, stars and moon. but we see them from a different viewpoint. Perhaps that is what connects us as human beings. My favorite image is that beautiful building. Thanks Masha for sharing, take care and stay healthy!

  3. Awesome quote...so true; especially when have kids far away. Love the star photo.

  4. Beautiful photos. I love your collage. So interesting.

  5. You've always got some really fun photos and collages. Glad you visit with us and shared this week at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/01/classic.html

  6. Such a beautiful post Mascha, thank you for linking. Happy weekend and all the best for 2021!

  7. A wonderful series of images. The last one is quite striking.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World


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