Samstag, 8. Mai 2021

За того парня - Für jenen Burschen

Zum heutigen Ende des 2. Weltkrieges 
und zum morgigen "Tag des Sieges" der Russen 
- im Gedenken an die Opfer - 

ein Lied von Mark Fradkin, Text Robert Roszdestvensky

Instead of that guy

Today I would wake up before dawn,
I would walk across the broad field.
Something happened to my memory -
I remember what happened to another man.
Raindrops are falling on my hollow cheeks,
For the universe twenty years is a little period.
I wasn't even familiar with that guy
Who promised his mom that he would come back.
Steppe herbs have bitter aroma,
winds are so young.
If we wake up at midnight
Because of thunder
It seems an echo
Of the past war.
The spring promises to be long,
The field waits for high-grade seeds.
But I live on this kind land
Both my life and that guy's life instead of him.
It is hard to bear this load
But I cannot live in other way because
His voice still calls for me,
His song still sounds in me.
Hier noch das canadisch-italienische Duo Nancy Adejor & Frederiqe Afandiyev
mit der englischen Version

Instead of that guy

Today I would wake up before dawn,
I would walk across the broad field.
Something happened to my memory -
I remember what happened to another man.
Raindrops are falling on my hollow cheeks,
For the universe twenty years is a little period.
I wasn't even familiar with that guy
Who promised his mom that he would come back.
Steppe herbs have bitter aroma,
winds are so young.
If we wake up at midnight
Because of thunder
It seems an echo
Of the past war.
The spring promises to be long,
The field waits for high-grade seeds.
But I live on this kind land
Both my life and that guy's life instead of him.
It is hard to bear this load
But I cannot live in other way because
His voice still calls for me,
His song still sounds in me.

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