Montag, 24. Mai 2021






A film by Matthew Richardson 


“Hallelujah” is a queer/circus concept about religion and the importance of choosing kindness regardless of our differences or beliefs. Religion is a tough subject for many in the LGBTQ community, and this piece is a reflection of the struggle and rejection we often feel. It tells the story of an individual troubled by the hate in the world and his partner who is fighting to lift him up, to remind him he is beautiful exactly how he is. My message is that religion should inspire more kindness and open arms, even towards those you may not understand. My goal is to create art that inspires a kinder world for the queer community by challenging social norms, raising questions and starting conversations. I am creating a series of conceptual videos about gender identity, human nature, queer culture and how the world treats individuals who are “different” but exactly the same. 


Shared with Photo Tunes

4 Kommentare:

  1. Good morning Mascha from the Netherlands .I come visit you this day. The performance /video was very beautiful and everyone is the same for me. And it is a shame that many people do not accept people as they are. I once wrote these words on my website: I wish you a lovely day. LG, Tine

  2. Hallo Mascha,
    danke, dass du dieses wunderschöne Video zeigst.
    Wir sind alles Menschen, gleich in welcher Konstellation, auch immer !
    Das ist wichtig, es endlich mal zu akzeptieren !
    ♥lichst Jutta

  3. Gefällt mir sehr gut!
    Liebe Grüße

  4. danke danke danke liebe mascha für dieses video! ich hab ein trans kind und mir hat unter anderem sean dorsey mut gemacht, ein trans choreograph mit einer hineissenden truppe, mit aufwühlenden und umwerfend guten choreographien/themen/performances. sichtbarkeit und akzeptanz sind lebenserhaltend und lebensrettend. liebe grüße, eva


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