Montag, 10. Mai 2021

Federkleid - Feather dress



Across the heather in the first light of the morning 
When the birds move, where will they be tomorrow?
 I follow the rustling of the wings into the quiet moor 
Ancient songs emerge from the mists 
Come and fly away with us 
Let the wind carry you far from this place 
Come and fly as high as you can
Let's chase the heavens in dance 
Mists like silk brush my skin so cool 
On and on, where do I find the destination of my longing? 
I close my eyes and my feathers sprout 
I can already feel the wind and spread my wings
 Come and fly away with us 
Let the wind carry you far from this place 
Come and fly as high as you can 
Let's chase the heavens in dance 
The heavens in you, how can I know them, can I see them? 
We dance in flight, like stars that go their way 
Come and fly away with us 
Let the wind carry you far from this place 
Come and fly as high as you can Let's chase the heavens in dance 
Source: Musixmatch 
Songwriters: Fiona Rueggeberg / Niel Florian Mitra / Oliver Pade / Ruediger Maul / Stephan Groth / Katja Moslehner / Michael Frewert 
Reminds me about an old military song of Lev Knipper

with English subtitles:

Shared with Photo Tunes 

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Masha, you have three interesting tune that are similar. what a find. As always your collage is a delight. Thanks so much for sharing, take care.


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