there are seasons for all things,
the angel said & there will come a time
when the pieces that are not you
will fall away easily, when you stop
holding to them so thightly
- Kay Skye -
Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, image-in-ing,
there are seasons for all things,
the angel said & there will come a time
when the pieces that are not you
will fall away easily, when you stop
holding to them so thightly
- Kay Skye -
Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, image-in-ing,
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...Maha, you have shown beautiful that the natural world is a treasure. The white flowers brighten the wooded scene. Thanks for coming to the party, take care.
AntwortenLöschenEine schöne Foto-Collagen-Strecke mit erholsamen Farben!
AntwortenLöschenHerzliche Grüße!
Bin momentan sehr eingespannt gewesen, daher kommentierunwillig. Sollte ab Do besser werden..
Liebe Mascha,
AntwortenLöschendas sind sehr schöne Bilder, die die Stimmung heben.
Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Sonntag.
Viele liebe Grüße