Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022

Das Mittwochslied


Nachdem zur letzten Sonntagsmatinee Vater und Tochter auftraten,
gibt es heute Vater und Sohn: Simon und Max Khorolskiy 

Great is our Creator and Lord, Who else with the power of the word Could make that once powerless earth To start fruits and herbs bringing forth? I heard gently whispering grains And each one was joyfully saying, “By Lord’s perfect will I appeared, Our God is amazing indeed.” Chorus “He’s great,” I heard flowers speak, “He’s great,” all the fruits would repeat, “He’s great,” fragrant orchards will breathe With the calming blowing of winds. All nature around the world Repeats how great is our Lord, But people, I sadly admit, Refused their voice to uplift. I heard different songs from mankind, They were persistently trying To silence the marvelous praise And glory divine to erase.

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