Samstag, 26. Juli 2014

Landmark: The Brocken Mountain

The most prominent natural landmark in our region is the Brocken Mountain.
Here was the former German-German border and you could not go up.
So we said jokingly: It is the highest mountain in the world, no one can climb ;-)
Really the high is 1143m and there was army and a weather station. But strict security measures to prevent exodus of GDR citizens.

Since the opening of the border in 1990, the mountain is a popular destination.
From Wernigerode goes up a steam train.
The drive through the countryside is very picturesque and beautiful.

But otherwise is up there on the mountain usually very bad and cold weather, lots of wind or dense fog, you can not see much often.
And it looks very unpoetic with the  technical buildings.
I more like the other beautiful Harz mountains.
But sometimes you just caught a good day and in such a I took the photos, in the previous year.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Es hat mir wirklich Spaß gemacht diese Landschaften zu ersichten. Danke fürs Linken zu Friday my Town Shoot Out.

    Mersad Donko Photography


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