Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014


I like the summerdays in the woodland
when the light falls in small islands on the floor
and it surrounds me cozy coolness
when in the streets is wafting the heat.

But I also like the foggy days in woodland
if the space gets an enchanting dimension
and everything is like a fairy-tale
and under each root is living a gnome ...

17 Kommentare:

  1. It looks almost magical, thanks for sharing with us this week at Our Beautiful World!

  2. Wow, it is really fairy-tale forest! )) Wonderful!

  3. beautiful shots, es sieht ein bisschen mystisch aus im Nebel, tolle Bilder! Danke dir fürs mitmachen bei "Our Beautiful World"

  4. Gorgeous woodlands. I really like the foggy ones. So mysterious.

  5. Beautiful mystical photos!! So very beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!!

  6. Lovely atmospheric shots. Particularly like the one with the roots. I can just see that little gnome...:-) thanks for your comment on my blog. I adored all your fairy tale photos! Jazzy Jack

  7. such a lovely wooded area! the one with the fog is so atmospheric and perfect for a mystery story.

  8. Gorgeous photos...very mystical...and serene!

  9. Oh my word Mascha, your photos are stunning! I love how you captured the woods, the serenity, the whole atmosphere, wow...

  10. Beautiful pictures of the mist. You are showing off a bit there, because those can't be easy photos to take! :)

    Really lovely pictures that make me long for my home. So glad to have found the post through Our Beautiful World.

  11. Enjoyed the cyber walk through a forest. Nice images!
    JM, Illinois, U.S.A.

  12. Hi Mascha...ooohhh so peaceful your stunning photos, felt like I was there, with the sun and breeze and quietness. Thanks for sharing with OBW Robyn

  13. A magic atmosphere in the woodland

  14. Wonderful photos. Very moody. You half expect the three witches to appear

  15. Wow Mascha it looks like a storybook! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at our beautiful world!


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