Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014

Wordless - без слов -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Hari Om
    Nothing like sitting back and admiring the work done!!! I love this shot Mascha! YAM xx

  2. I love your collection of blue glass!

  3. Very interesting shot. I like the setting in the table and then I asked myself are we to be looking at the table or at the clothing in the back :).
    Have a nice day!!

  4. There's a homey feel to clothes drying in the fresh air, Mascha. I like your collection of blue bottles in the foreground.

    You've reminded me of the Josef Sudek exhibit I saw in Toronto last year; he had done many photos looking though one window in his home in different seasons and weather conditions. They were beautiful.


    1. Thanks for the compliment!
      I am a big admirer of Josef Sudek.
      Earlier, when I developed still analog black and white pictures myself, I was much more in this direction.
      Today only everyday clippers with a small digital camera ...

  5. That's a great shot! Beautiful, peaceful, artistic!

  6. Love your blue glass. This is a very colorful picture. Love it!

  7. Your blue glass collection is beautiful. Is it the Cobalt Blue? I do love the fresh smell of clothes and sheets that have dried on an outside line. This is such a rich and colorful picture, Maschas ... hope your day is equally as colorful.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Well, I do not know, genuine cobalt blue ... There are various, sometimes not very valuable glass things. I collected them because I like their color...blue with a little gold (like lapis lazuli) -
      Yes, I like colorful clotheslines, enjoy often to the random color mood. That makes my life more colorful and poetic, laundry fluttering in the wind, back in the garden and in the yard ...

  8. Very artistic shot, Mascha. Love it!


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