Montag, 28. Juli 2014


The clock shows me minutes and hours
it is my little alldays time...
The calendar shows me days and weeks
until the years end.
The garden shows me seasons in the year.
The old dying tree shows me decades.
The house shows me centuries to.
The cemetery tells me that our time will ends
and all the time is in HIS hands.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderschöne Bilder Mascha!
    LG Sabine

  2. Beautiful time photos Mascha - just gorgeous and all proclaiming time passing. Have a lovely week Robyn

  3. Ja Zeit. Meine läuft rapide ab aber wenn ich mir die jetzige Welt anschaue,da möchte ich auch nicht ewig leben.
    Ein schöner, Gedanken erweckender Post.

  4. an interesting series of photos ...

  5. It is "Our Beautiful World", whats inspires me in every week with a new prompt..

  6. What wonderful photos and a wonderful post on Time ... Thank you so much for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World


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