Freitag, 4. Juli 2014

From afternoon to sunset..

It's afternoon in my town.
In the center are many people

I walk through the park - there is almost no one...

The shadows stays longer...

I like this soft slanting autumn light
As it shines through the streets and reflected in the windows.

Now I'm at home and I see the sun go down.

Photos from my archive, not every week I manage to make an extra walk with camera

8 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha...ein schöner Abendspaziergang...belohnt mit einem prächtig farbigem Himmel.

    Geniess ein schönes Wochenende.


  2. Was für ein toller Beitreag zum Friday My Town Shoot Out. Macht richtig spaß einen Rundgang mit dir zu machen, und der Sonnenuntergang ist wunderschön.

  3. Sooooooooooooooooo beautiful Maschas, thank you for sharing.
    Are u getting ready for Share-in-Style: Denim this Monday 7th?
    Happy weekend

  4. Hi miss Mascha! I love to see you each week as the first to connect with Fashion item Friday! I so appreciate it. You have a marvelous weekend and I'll have a fun Fourth, mostly watching the fireworks at night.

  5. Looks very pretty!
    Nice and artistic blog!
    I try to figure out the language of the words that are said.... but I am afraid I have to give up on that:)

    1. Thanks :-)
      Right in the sidebar is a translator, you can translate in Norwegian or other language


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