Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

Drawing the curtains on...

Ich bin dann mal weg. Laszt es Euch gut gehen :-)
 In the next few days I will be absent. Have a nice time all :-)

12 Kommentare:

  1. Wow!! Gorgeous!!! I have looked at windows like this before, but never thought to capture the image, so I am surprised at it. I think this is just a stunning photo!!!

  2. So cool...thought they were sails of a ship at first glance♪

  3. Magnificent windows and drapes and the light adds so much drama ... Beautiful captures for this meme ...

    Andrea @From The Sol

  4. Nice window, very well dressed up :) Great picture !!

  5. Ein wunderschönes Foto, Mascha!
    Alles Gute für dich!

    Liebe Grüße, Joana

  6. Love the combination of textures! And the lights! Amazing as always =) #ww

  7. I imaging seeing a well tended park outside :)

  8. Love it and the colours especially with the light peeping through ;-)

  9. Hari OM
    I agree with the others, this is such an atmospheric capture! YAM xx

  10. The colors and contrasts are lush and beautiful.
    Great image!
    Thank you for sharing at

  11. Nice one for the theme.
    That looks like a charming place with an old-world touch.


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