Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014

High above the town...

... is an old castle.

Today it's a museum.
From the terrace you have a lovely look over the mountains and the town.
In the wall are little breaks for ​​the shots from the guns.
The truth is, that these guns had never shot in a war.
They are here only for decoration and festive gun salute.
So that no one people falls down, small fences were placed in the gaps, and I'm linking up with Good Fences.

Shared with Skywatch Friday

16 Kommentare:

  1. What a pretty view! I am glad the guns were never shot . Great photos!

  2. Interesting views and I'm pleased the guns were never used to harm anyone.

  3. really neat place! and very unique fences! thanks, mascha!

  4. I just adore visiting these old places. Thank goodness they made so many as museums for us to see! Lovely captures of all the photos here.

  5. These were wonderful. The gates are neat and yeah I wouldn't want to fall off there either. Some great views and the lighting in these shots is really nice.

  6. How glorious to have castle above your town on a hill! Love the wonderful views, and the little fences protecting small children from falling off.

  7. I have to admit it is a little disappointing that the guns are just decoration, I was thinking what a cool historical setting ... but not. The view, however, is magnificent and the little fences much appreciated because I can imagine every little boy who passes wanting to look over the side. The pictures are great, Mascha ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. The moody light is magical round these old battlements.

  9. Spectacular view! I also like the glow in the sky.


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