Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014

The flowers on my roof top

Any are tired now, others still blooming...(the do this until the first frost)

9 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful! I love the dark colour of the first flower. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Lovely deep red pelargonium, I have the same colour in a double flower. Gorgeous colour to contrast in a flower bed.

  3. How beautiful.
    I'd love to have you visit my Author,s View entry in the flower view meme.

  4. Wie schön! Auf meinem Balkon gibt es kaum mehr was buntes!

  5. Your flowers must be very beautiful with flowers blooming there such as these. Thank you Mascha and I wish you a great weekend.

  6. Beautiful blooms! How lovely it must be to have a rooftop garden!

  7. Das sind Begonien, oder? Die blühen so schön lange! Die dunkelroten gefallen mir gut, hab ich in dem Ton noch nie gesehen!

  8. I love that first flower! Amazing color! Very pretty photos.


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