Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014

The tired hydrangea

10 Kommentare:

  1. Amazing colours....beautiful,sensitive images!
    I've been looking at mine this week and thinking how they actually look more interesting as they dry and fade.

    Thanks for sharing the beauty,

  2. Hydrangea's are lovely even when they are tired! Beautiful photos!

  3. I love it when hydrangeas start to become lace. Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  4. Tired perhaps but still very beautiful! Thank you Mascha :)

  5. Its still beautiful in the change of the season!

  6. Armes Blatt ! Sehr schöne Bilder !

  7. Sogar verblüht sind sie noch wunderschön! Tolle Fotos!

  8. Brilliant!!! I would not have thought to take pictures of a fading flower! Your photos are beautiful in an unusual way. They are very artistic and interesting. Good job, my friend.

  9. The rapid decline of the beautiful hydrangea! You've captured it so well.

  10. Tired, but still very beautiful. I especially like the ones that are like lace.


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