Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

Sedum spectabile

18 Kommentare:

  1. Even bees work fine in b & w :-)

  2. It's good to see insects as well as flowers.

  3. I love the way the texture pops in black and white… beautiful photo Mascha!

  4. Great looking texture in these bushes. The bees provide excellent scale.

  5. Gorgeous Mascha, lovely in black and white. Thanks for sharing and I wish you a very happy weekend :)

  6. Wonderful macro shot with great details!

  7. Wonderful detail of each petal in this shot.

  8. Wow love the level of detail in this shot. Stunning.

  9. Took me a minute to see the bee but it's a beautiful shot, works well in black and white #bwphotoproject

  10. I love the detail and always favour black and white photos although I hardly ever do them ;D
    I'll have to remember.
    Thanks for sharing x

  11. I love how its so busy! Love the contrast! #bwphotoproject

  12. Love the bee, and the texture of the flowers is great in black and white x


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