Montag, 27. Oktober 2014

On the backside of the street

In such old outhouses were formerly often placed smaller workshops: carpenters, blacksmiths, saddlers, shoemakers or other trades.
Today these small trades are mostly extinct or displaced by big companies and the rear houses are empty or are utilized as stores.
Many also be expanded to apartments.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Like the back story. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It's a great old building. I love it! Hope someone will open a shop there.

  3. Love this old place. Your narrative tells a great tale.

  4. That has so much character - I love it! Thanks so much for sharing it with us :)

  5. I like how the light changes the colors on this amazing building. Great find!

  6. often, you get cafes and small restaurants in these old buildings.


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