Montag, 20. Oktober 2014

Old power station

In the former GDR, the factories often had their own power stations, to be independet of power supply and failures.
I do not know if this is so today - many things are now organized differently and the factories are closed down ...
But I like this old building of the chocolate factory.
I very much hope it will not be demolished.

10 Kommentare:

  1. 1st photo - reflective. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very lovely building I hope they save it too!

  3. I love the old buildings, when they were things of beauty, as well as being practical!! The windows in this one are wonderful!!!

  4. A stately looking building! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Power for Charlie's Chocolate Factory! Great old building. I hope they don't destroy it either.

  6. A magnificent structure. It would be a same to destroy it.

  7. Awesome building! It would be nice to have it rennovated and used again!

  8. Oh, I like it too - those are great windows!


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