Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

Maschas Mix - No. 62 -

My favorite print

My favorite print is millefleurs.
Most of all I like it on blue fabric and I like to wear all my blue vintage dresses in the early autumn season. - Dont't ask me why!

The last flowers are blooming on my rooftop...

And last raspberries and blackberries are now in the garden...

So what?! Here is a tiny snail in the berries!

Photographed by my love for Share-in-Style

Shared with MIXIT!, Fashion item Friday, Visible Monday

7 Kommentare:

  1. Oh... I love you rooftop garden an the lovely dress, you had a nice sunshiny day!

  2. Paired with this necklace (or necklaces?) your dress looks positively regal, Mascha! Funny that your beloved photographer kept shooting while you were taking the snail out of the berries. :) xxxx

  3. Just fabulous, dear Mascha.
    Thank you so much for joinig Share-in-Style.

  4. Your flowers are just beautiful and I LOVE your vintage dress! That shade of blue is my favorite, and the blue & white print is lovely. Love the velvet bodice too. Glad you found that hiding little snail! :-)

  5. I am smitten with your garden, and your lovely floral dress! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  6. Your necklace and dress are very regal, but I confess I am most envious of those healthy colorful flowers on your rooftop. I'm struggling to keep my flowers alive in this horrible drought.

  7. Wow you have a garden on your roof top! I love your beautiful floral dress and the combination of colours in your outfit. Navy with a pop of pink. You look fabulous!


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