Montag, 27. Oktober 2014

Monday's Music Moves me!

I've seen this Linkparty at Curious as a Cathy and will joining in.
Hope, I make all right (I speak only a little English and mayby don't understand all) 

Hall of Souls "Hope"

 Silke Bischoff "On the orther side"
Silencio Para4 "Ao norte (Luz)"
 Artwork "Stadt der Träume"

Have a great week and a funny party :-)

7 Kommentare:

  1. Nice choices and all new to me

    Have a spookytastic week :-)

    1. They are our German bands and one ( #3) from Spain.
      Very unknown in the wide world...

  2. Mascha, I'm thrilled you decided to join the dance party. You did perfect! All of your song selections are new-to-me, but this is one of the reason why I love this little meme. I am introduced to new music all the time from my native soil or from other parts of the world like Germany. Thank you for making Monday's Music Moves Me apart of your week. From all of the other ladies, I hope you'll decide to make repeat visits and don't worry about the language barrier because music is the universal language we all understand. ;) Have a tunetastic week!

  3. Very nice choices and welcome. Glad to have you here.

    Thanks for sharing some new music with me.

  4. You did great and glad you joined us!
    This is some spooky music!
    I have family from Germany.

    Naila Moon

  5. Great choices. Enjoyed everything and had fun. Trick or treat.

  6. I"m so glad you decided to join us!
    Very new and interesting music choices!
    Hope you'll have fun sharing with us and hopping around :)

    Have a great week!


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