Dienstag, 29. November 2016

Second thoughts

travelling as fast in one direction
as she can go before she has second thoughts
& goes back to doing the same old stuff

- storypeople - 

Montag, 28. November 2016

Green door...

Blaine L. Reininger - To the Green Door

Blaine L. Reininger is an American composer and performer born in 1953 in Pueblo, Colorado. Having studied violin from age 9, guitar from age 11, and music theory and composition through high school and into college, he left Colorado in 1976 for San Francisco. There, in 1977, as a consequence of his studies in electronic music at San Francisco City College, he started the legendary American cult band Tuxedomoon together with classmate Steven Brown.In 1981, Reininger and the group left America to practice their art in Europe. Over the course of the next 26 years, many artistic collaborations took place and many albums were recorded. These collaborations, while mostly musical in nature, often moved into other fields such as dance, theatre, and film.Since 2000, Tuxedomoon has been re-united and tours the known universe about once a year.Reininger continues to live and work in Europe, having lived in Athens, Greece since 1998. (source)

Samstag, 26. November 2016


Shared with Shadow Shot Sunday2

Baumgestrüpp im November

Am ersten Oktober fielen die Tropfen
die der Sommer so durstig vermiszt
sieben Wochen gefühltes Grau
Regen dann früher Frost
brach die Farben und wir
gingen ohne Herbst in den
Winter was bleibt
ist die heilige
Stille über dem Schlaf

On the first of October the drops begun to fell
which the summer so thirsty had missed
seven weeks of feeling grey
rain and early frost
kills the colors and we
were going without autumn
to the winter what remains
is the sacred silence
over all what is
falling asleep

Freitag, 25. November 2016

Friday Five and color moods

Good morning,
its Friday again and time to join with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five
and Photo Friday at Pierced Wonderings

Today's photos are just for colormood.


Candles, seen in a shop


Wooden interior in our castle-museum


Two photos of different churches here in our town


A decoration with rosehips, what I made this week


We both at home.
Finally we had two rare sunny days and the sun was looking into the windows.
Our friend took a photo...

Nothing else is to say about this week.
Have still pain in my foot, the renovation works finally are going ahead...

Have a nice weekend and a blessed first Advent

Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

Forgotten firewood...

Shared with Good Fences

Last week I had not participiate and only now I read about the farewell.
Thanks Teresa for the time with Good Fences.