Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2016

TEMAT - anioł -

This is Glory, your helper in every emergency situation.
You can always call her.
At her door is a name badge and you can press the white button to ring.
Even if she has just slept, she comes with still confused hair and will help you.
It is comforting that there are such angels, isn't it?

Posted for Art Piaskownica

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...we all need an angel looking down on us...Merry Christmas.

  2. Super:) dziękuję za udział w wyzwaniu Art-Piaskownicy.

  3. Cudny aniołek :)
    Dziękuję w imieniu ArtPiaskownicy za udział w wyzwaniu!

  4. Very interesting work. Tkanx for joining to our challenge. AnnaMaria from Art-Piaskownica.


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