Montag, 19. Dezember 2016

Dripping light

The little girl was playing alone in the snow.
A little offside from the other children.
She had left her sled and slid down the slope at the belly.
Her clothing were covered with tiny ice lumps.
It was getting darker and colder.
The other children had gone home to the warm houses with the bright windows.
She stood alone in the quiet park and saw the sun go down.
And she saw an angel with the warm red fireball in her arms,
and some light and warmth dripped down on the branches of the frozen trees
and straight down to the girl.
It warmed her cold hands and her mind...

( The fabric collage is made by me from my childhood memories )

Written for Gillenas Monday WRites

And for Toms Foto Tunes I add the song
"In the arms of an angel"

6 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, a wonderful tune by a fabulous artist! And lovely collages by a talented artist, thanks for sharing this week. Many warm Christmas wishes to you!

  2. Cute window decoration. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  3. Luv your Fabric collage Mascha, thanks for the music too.

    much love...

    you can use my button link to Monday WRites, just copy and paste the code.

  4. You were artistically talented already as a child! Have a wonderful Christmas holiday.

  5. Very nice fabric collage. Peaceful Christmas.

  6. Very nice as always, Mascha!
    Thanks for sharing at Please have a wonderful Christmas!


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