Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2016

World Peace

I have a friend who took all the doors out of his house one summer. 
It reminds me there’s nothing I have that’s worth hiding, he said. 
No secrets is the key to world peace. 
He put them all back on that winter. 
I decided it was peaceful enough for me, he said....

- storypeople -

17 Kommentare:

  1. I have peace but many don't. Praying is needed.

  2. Winter without doors...brrrr! Xo Jazzy Jack

  3. Mascha, if only we all worked towards it!

  4. Sobering words and pictures.

    Have a nice Sunday !

  5. Simply lovely! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW! Have a peaceful day...

  6. This house calls to take good photos. Well done.

  7. Really interesting photos, makes one think of lots of things like war and strife in the world. Interesting collage, Shalom, peace to you.

  8. Impressive collage art which can turn agly things to beauty without forgeting horrible acctions on the world.
    Happy PPF xx

  9. lots of thought provoking photography Masha, and beautifully taken as always. I love the angel, especially for this time of year. If only the walls could speak in the abandoned house. Thanks for playing along with OBW!

  10. There are some great photos here - I love to see abandoned buildings. So fascinating.

  11. The doorless hallways beckon. Powerful collage, love the angel setting.

  12. I couldn't possibly manage without doors here in Bonnie Scotland... it would be far too drafty.
    Very powerful images. Thank you for sharing

  13. Excellent picture story,

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  14. Your art is bold this week. I love it. All the photographs are exceptional. I need doors in my house.

  15. Always so powerful your images!! A great reminder to always be grateful when you have peace and comfortable roof over your head. This post took me on an emotional roller coaster ride!! Art that speaks this loudly is important!!

    Hugs Giggles


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