Montag, 5. Dezember 2016

The town of childhood


Edita Pjecha 1966

The melody is an evergreen from France,
and the Russian poet Robert Rozdestvensky make an own lyriks to it

Somewhere there is a quiet town, like a dream
Dust fluid is brought to its chest
The slow river water like glass
Somewhere there is a city in which heat
Our distant childhood passed there
At night, I hurried out of the house
In the checkout station, ask the ticket
Maybe for the first time in a thousand years
Give up the childhood second-class ticket
Quiet cashier replied: "No Ticket"
No ticket.
Well, my friend, as she argued
The road to childhood where else to ask
Or maybe just only sometimes
Only in our memory we come back
In this town where fairy tales are living
Overbearing winds call us with name
And make us some crazy
Pine trees to the sky, to the sun home
There were silently drifting winters
Distant song in our destiny
Gentle town thank you
We do not come, do not wait in vain
There are other ways on the planet
We have matured, trust us, and forgive

Где-то есть город тихий, как сон
Пылью текучей по грудь занесен
В медленной речке вода как стекло
Где-то есть город в котором тепло
Наше далёкое детство там прошло
Ночью из дома я поспешу
В кассе вокзала билет попрошу
Может впервые за тысячу лет
Дайте до детства плацкартный билет
Тихо кассирша ответит: "Билетов нет"
Билетов нет
Ну что, дружище, как ей возразить
Дорогу в детство где ещё спросить
А может просто только иногда
Лишь в памяти своей приходим мы туда
В городе этом сказки живут
Шалые ветры с собою зовут
Там нас порою сводили с ума
Сосны до неба, до солнца дома
Там по сугробам неслышно шла зима
Дальняя песня в нашей судьбе
Ласковый город- спасибо тебе
Мы не приедем, напрасно не жди
Есть на планете другие пути
Мы повзрослели, поверь нам, и прости

10 Kommentare:

  1. I like the old town,
    I like the playing children,
    I like the poem.
    I wish you a nice week Mascha !


  2. Mascha, I love this tune that we know as "Greensleeves." Again you fotos and collages are beautifully paired with your tune! Thanks so much for being here this week, stay well and please stop back again.

  3. Brings back many memories of a trip to Europe. Thanks for sharing. Your images are perfect!

  4. Great shots!
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. Luv the nostalgia in your picture story today, the video is really nice and i must must use it some time at my blog

    much love...

  6. Monday WRites #86 is live, you are invited to link in

    much love...

  7. Beautiful houses and memories!

  8. I love the village architecture!
    Thanks for linking up!

  9. Love the narrow streets and the wonderful windows. Your collages are amazing. Beautiful post.

  10. What a lovely place and lovely pictures. My childhood town still looks the same and I love to go back and visit. They did knock my old school down though, which was very sad. Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop..


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