Freitag, 23. Dezember 2016

Friday Five and Solstice

Good morning,
the last friday before Christmas and time for


Finally the traces of the renovation are removed
 and all things are at their places again.
Almost all things. Some I haven't found...


Yesterday I got some foods from the "Table" (Charity).
That's always an especially surprise and I'm grateful for them.


The last days were very exhausting and difficult and I'm very tired.
Hours of striking in the cold at the "Table", long ways, many things to do.
Long ways in cold and on icy smooth roads are very strenuous with bicycle 
and I very suffer under stimulus overflow by traffic noise.
 But what should I do?
I can be happy when cycling is still possible, later, in the snow, 
all my ways will be much more difficult.
Honestly, I'm not a friend of wintertime!


I get physiotherapy again and it is very painful.
Directly after that I can hardly go.
Today for the last time.
But now the beautiful side of life:


On wednesday we made our traditional Solstice-walk 
through the forest to a mountain.
Every year the same.
At this time we had wonderful weather: frosty, but sunny, 
truly the nice side of wintertime.
We have very enjoyed it.

On the mountain we prepared our gifts for the elves and dwarfs 
and, of course, for the animals.
Every year the same ritual at the same place - I think, they are waiting for us.
And every year it's different nice.
We wish everyone out there a blessed celebration and well survive the winter.
Pray that it will not be too hard.
Thanks for everything we get from the earth, the air, the fire and the water.

Than we went home by the low sun...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy your holidays.
Have a blessed peaceful time.

13 Kommentare:

  1. I love that you partake in a solstice walk and leave out food, beautiful Stunning photography as always from you too. Merry Christmas Mascha x

  2. Thank you for your lovely frosty beautiful. May you be safe and well in the days ahead and have a Happy Christmas, Mascha xx

  3. Mascha, thanks for sharing this wonderful collection of images. Each Christmas I look forward to seeing your gifts for the elves, dwarfs and animals. Peace and good health to you this Christmas.

  4. Beautiful Solstice walk. I don't like winter very much either but there is something so serenely beautiful at this time of year. Thanks so much for sharing this with Five on Friday!

  5. Such beautiful photographs, quite lovely! Wishing you all the best for the holiday season.


  6. Beautiful photos from nature,
    Merry Christmas for you.


  7. Meery Christmas from Silesia join to my fences

  8. I loved your solstice walk. Such beautiful photos. I can't imagine how hard it is in your climate. Enjoy your Christmas. B x

  9. Darling Mascha, I do admire the way you soldier on through life's trials - even finding time to share your talent for photography with us and your food with the woodland creatures. The feast was a work of art. What a wonderful thing to do. I think you're right - I'll bet they were waiting.

    I hope you have an absolutely perfect and splendid 2017.

  10. It must be a relief to have the renovation finished! Your solstice walk is so beautiful - a meaningful tradition! And stunning captures - I can feel the cold where you walked! Am happy for you that you still can go on the bike to get around.
    Hope you had a joyful Christmas, and many thanks for sharing this with ALL SEASONS! Up to the New Year Masha - wishing you hope, a lot of laughter, and health!

  11. Beautiful photos. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  12. i always enjoy your solstice walk and the forest looks magical with all the frost! glad to hear your renovations are done, what a nice feeling isn't it?! thank you for linking mascha! merry christmas and happy new year!

  13. Schön, dass ich dank des Labels 'Feiertage' jetzt auch den vergangenen Winter finden konnte :-)
    Ich hoffe Euer Start ins neue Jahr verlief gut!
    LG Silke


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