Freitag, 9. Dezember 2016

Friday Five and frosty nature

Good morning,
it's time now for five things, joining with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday
and Amy is back again with her Five on Friday.
I'm also sharing it with Scenic Weekends , Friday Photo Journal
 and All Seasons.

I have good and bad news, the good at first:


I was choosen to give an interview about my working process 
for an e-book about collage-artists by Kate Robertson.
I'm lucky, that my works don't only delight blog visitors, 
but also find attention in artist world.
I'm just curious to see the book when it's aivable.


Friday two weeks before I got suddenly a strong nasty cold, 
would say, it was a flu.
Still not recovered since then and many things have remained.
Still living in a renovation mess without Christmas mood or decorations... 


I've forgot again my blog anniversary at the first of november.
It was just the 7th, but I've never have celebrated it
 or only remember of this at the right time.
Seems, it's not very important for me...


In my sidebar by the loveliest blogs is still a link to Rural Journal.
Never have removed it.
Clicking on it, now appears the notice: 

*This domain name expired on 11/02/16 and is pending renewal or deletion*

That is sad, because it has something final. Never will find again - 


On wednesday I made a little walk through frozen forest (the first after flu)
and I want to share some photos with you.
The sleeping nature is so silent and quiet now 
and the frost has nicely decorated it, ready for it's own "holy time"

This bench was a gift to the 80th birthday for our vet from his hiking friends.
At sunny days I often see him sit there, a venerable old gentleman.

Have a nice quiet weekend

24 Kommentare:

  1. Frost IS beautiful in your photos! Happy December days Mascha!

  2. You took us on a beautiful stroll through the frost covered forest, I enjoyed the photos. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. was für ein herrlicher spaziergang ... die bank ist klasse :)
    werde schnell wieder gesund
    liebe grüße

  4. We've had a few frosty days which turns the world into a magical place. Glad you are feeling better after the flu and that your work will be in a book. Well done for blogging for 7 years, that's a long time!

  5. Mascha, your lovely images make me feel right at home. We share so many beautiful sights. Congregations on being included in the collage book, I'm sure that you only wanted to have the BEST featured! Enjoy this special time of year.

  6. wonderful frosty scenes! congratulations, that is awesome will have to share it with us when it is sorry you aren't feeling well, hope you will be good as new soon! i keep a lot of links from old blogs i used to visit too...sad to hear nancy's is going to be deleted...i often think of her :( thank you for linking up and have a great weekend! happy blogiversary too!

  7. Lovely walk through the woods. Love the frosty leaves. Congrats on the interview - what a lovely thing to happen. Happy blogiversary!

    Happy Five on Friday

  8. Congratulations with your interview with Kate, sorry you have a cold/flu. Your photos are stunning. These could be printed they are so wonderful.

  9. I love the frost on the leaves. They look good enough to eat, like sugar-coated chocolate.

    Glad you're over the flu and hope you'll be well enough to do some Christmas celebrating.

  10. Sorry to hear that you haven't been well, I hope you are all better now. Beautiful photos!

  11. Thank you for sharing the beauty around you! Ice is weighing down our trees so some are bowed today. I hope you will be completely well soon!

  12. The frost creates so many wonderful patterns in the forest. So enchanting in your photos. May you feel strong and healthy again soon.

  13. Hello,Maschas
    What beautiful woods and frost you have shown us. Your captures are stunning and I can image what your walk must have been like.Looks so cold but I like to see your bear trees. It is not cold here, it is hard to think This year is going to end soon.

  14. Wonderful news about your collage ebook! You are very talented and I always love your collages! Beautiful photos of the winter forest, Mascha. I especially love the frosty leaves. Glad you are on the mend.

  15. Very beautiful shots from nature.

  16. I hope you soon recover fully from your flu. It's a bad time of year for ilness.

  17. Glad you're out and about after your illness. I enjoyed your frosty photos.

  18. The cold weather seems to be putting on a great show for you! Your photos are awesome. Congratulations on your anniversary of blogging and for being included in the book! It's sad when other bloggers fall by the wayside and hard to forget the ones that touch our hearts. That's a great gesture to honor the vet with a bench.

  19. Your walk looks like it was a cold one, but the photos are beautiful! I love the frost on the leaves.

  20. Lovely photos, the woods looks silent and beautiful. Hope you've recovered from the flu.

  21. So cold yet somehow colorful. The frosted leaves look like sugar cookies...I guess I've got Christmas baking on my mind.

  22. Oh, Masha, I feel your loss of your previous blog! Make a copy of this one, please.
    So many beautiful things to see on your nature walk and many thanks for sharing it with ALL SEASONS. The bench of the elderly gentleman, the path, and the big tree trunks in front with In back the bare trees. Also, stunning is that one branch on the ice, and the frosted leaves. Glad you are getting over your cold - hopefully feeling healthy by Christmas!
    Thank you so much for your comment with all the links to your posts about Christmas traditions. Later this week I'll visit them:)


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