Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016

Friday Five and travels

Good morning to the last friday in 2016,
it's time to join in Willy Nilly Friday Five and All Seasons


At Christmas I got a new tunic, made by Swedish designer Gudrun Sjödén.
It's perfect for an imagined safari.

My sweetheart would make a serious photo, but than came the cat
and at the end we had only some shnaphots...

Wild predators, which I tamed:


These shirts are ready for a travel to Ukraine.
I've used the silent days after Christmas to clean my wardrobe 
and I've sorted out a lot of clothing. Some big bags full.
 I give that all to an aid organization for East Europe.


I got two new books, very different, but both are interesting and readable.
One is a travel to Russia and Sovjet Union in 1910 - 53,
 the other is a travel to America in the middle of the 19th century.
I like to travel by reading...


A little blue trip to China


At last a trip to spring.
After three months it comes true...(cheer!)

And now: Happy New Year.
May it be happy and peaceful and unencumbered,
full of colors, sunshine and beautiful things.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Happy New Year Mascha! Your look at the Spring is full of hope!

  2. Indeed imagination can transport to many places. It appears that blue is a favorite color of yours, mine too. Happy New Year, my friend.

  3. happy new year mascha! you have such a great imagination...i didn't know you were a lion tamer too! love your new tunic! thank you for linking and all the best in 2017!

  4. Love the dress and it looks marvelous on you! Mascha you have such a big heart, to send off clothes to the less fortunate! LOVE your darling capture of the snowdrop (flower). How did you manage to find so many blue patterns? (don't have to answer:) )
    This post is a lovely New Year's announcement for ALL SEASONS - have a very happy one with many good surprizes and enjoyable moments:):)

  5. The new tunic is really pretty!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Fabulous post Mascha!! Love your new tunic so pretty, looks great on too!!
    Love the colour of your candles!! Have a wonderful time in the Ukraine! I hope we hear more about it!! Happy New Year! Hope your year is full of interesting and safe adventures!

    Hugs Giggles


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