Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2016

One child...

I hope it will be said we taught them to stand tall & proud, even in the face of history & the future was made new & whole for us all, one child at a time.

- storypeople -

Made for Riita K.'s new meme Floral Bliss
Shared with Floral Friday Fotos , My Favorite Weekend Flower

7 Kommentare:

  1. Ah my dear Mascha - I can only sigh in front of your amazing photos! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hallo Masche,
    danke für deinen Kommentar und die gute Nachricht, dass es wieder aufwärts geht , das ist gut !
    Wundervolle Fotos sind das , die Farben liebe ich.
    Und dann hat mich natürlich dein Post auch gleich animiert
    für Riitta einen Beitrag zu erstellen ;-)
    Mach´s gut und liebe Grüße

  3. Holy cow, how did you get those pretty flower shots. I love the way they're shot and the first one seems like perfect winter plant.

  4. These are some lovely photos of the flowers! What a lovely and hopeful quote.

  5. Beautiful photos and sentiments, Mascha...
    Season's Greetings to you and those special to you!
    Many thanks for joining the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


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