Montag, 7. Dezember 2020

От Баку до Махачкалы - From Baku to Makhachkala

  This song was a hit of the underground youth culture in the URSS. 
They had the state-controlled "Estrada music" on radio and TV, 
often with communist lyrics ... and they had a lot of semi-legal bands 
and songwriters, what they didn't play on the radio, 
it was shared on tapes and spread.
Нас качало с тобой, качало,
Нас качало в туманной мгле.
Качка в море берет начало,
А кончается на земле.


От Махачкалы до Баку
Волны катятся на боку,
И, вздымаясь, бегут валы
От Баку до Махачкалы

Нас качало и в самолетах,
Нас качало и в поездах.
Качка в море берет начало,
А кончается в небесах.


От Махачкалы до Баку
Волны катятся на боку,
И, вздымаясь, бегут валы
От Баку до Махачкалы

Нас качало в ковбойских седлах,
Так качало, что стыла кровь.
Мы любили девчонок гордых,
Нас укачивала любовь.


От Махачкалы до Баку
Волны катятся на боку,
И, вздымаясь, бегут валы
От Баку до Махачкалы

Ну, а лодка, ну, что за лодка!
Развеселый народ честной!
Нас укачивала работка,
С боку на бок и - с ног долой.


От Махачкалы до Баку
Волны катятся на боку,
И, вздымаясь, бегут валы
От Баку до Махачкалы

We rocked with you, rocked,
We rocked in a foggy mist.
The pitching in the sea begins
And ends on the ground.


From Makhachkala to Baku
The waves are rolling on their side,
And billowing, shafts run
From Baku to Makhachkala

We rocked in the aircraft,
We rocked and in trains.
The pitching in the sea begins
And ends in heaven.


From Makhachkala to Baku
The waves are rolling on their side,
And billowing, shafts run
From Baku to Makhachkala

We rocked in cowboy saddles,
So rocked that bleed blood.
We loved the proud girls,
We love love.


From Makhachkala to Baku
The waves are rolling on their side,
And billowing, shafts run
From Baku to Makhachkala

Well, the boat, well, what a boat!
Cheerful honest people!
We were swayed by the job,
From side to side and - down with out.


From Makhachkala to Baku
The waves are rolling on their side,
And billowing, shafts run
From Baku to Makhachkala 
(found the English lyrics here, not my own translation) 
Here is an official youth song from the same time: 
"Love, Komzomol and spring "
Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. and particularly folk music has always given a political voice to oppressed people. Thanks Masha for sharing this tune, stay safe and I hope the you will have a warm and wonderful week.


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