Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2020

One heart



Everywhere, the world stopped & we heard
our own hearts in the quiet saying
Reach out and lift each other up,
if you wonder what there is to celebrate this year

- Kay Skye - 


11 Kommentare:

  1. Wie gelungen du die Farben in den Collagen aufgegriffen hast! Eine faszinierende Lichtstimmung.
    hab einen guten Tag!

  2. j'aime toujours autant tes incroyables collages / déchirages.

  3. ...having heart has always been important, but never more so than now. Thanks Masha for the remiinder.

  4. Lovely images and such a dramatic and beautiful sky.

  5. An especially powerful and dramatic series here. Thank you, Mascha, for joining us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/12/i-miss-fall-colors.html

  6. I absolutely love that positive quote. I've got to print it. The slow down in our worlds did actually have some positive impacts on life. Hopefully when this Covid virus is over, we carry those hearts forward. Love the collages as always. Love how you decide to put them together for the theme.

  7. Very nicely made are the collages, but the sky is also superbe. Here is only grey weather in the Netherlands. I wish you peaceful days.

  8. Beautiful photos & collages. This year we need other people even more than usual. Happy 3. Advent.

  9. Wonderful quote and beautiful sky photos and art!


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