Montag, 12. April 2021





 Through the alleys I was chased
by ghosts of the buried past
And they were singing a song that I had heard before
and I would forget no more

I saw their shadows on the wall
and I never, never felt so small
All their voices raised to push me to the ground
and so I turned around

We say no
to every word they shout
since the wind has turned
We say no
to every torch that they have burnt

We say no
for every one out there
who must be afraid
We say no
before it is too late

They screamed their dreams into the night
and I thought we would never have to fight
And every colour was held against the tainted grey
´cause we all came to stay

They say one learns the other one turns
away from everything he´s supposed to know
But have they ever thought that he might just turn around
´cause he doesn´t know where to go

We say no
to every word they shout
since the wind has turned
We say no
to every torch that they have burnt

We say no
for every one out there
who must be afraid
We say no
before it is too late

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Masha thanks for sharing another powerful tune by this amazing artist. It make a strong statement in these problemed times!


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