Shared with Photo Tunes, Art For Fun Friday
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...Mascha, beautiful images and music. A moment of peace would be a good start, but we are need a lasting peace, something that seem to be elusive! Peace be with you Mascha.
AntwortenLöschenYes, Europe needs peace without further weapons, neutrality of Ukraine and also of the united Germany, a withdrawal of NATO from the eastern areas and no threats from the USA. The talk about defending democracy is just hypocrisy, behind it are imperialist power interests.
Löschen(Of course, USA doesn't mean individual Americans, just as Russia doesn't mean individual Russians to me).
The policy of NATO since the late 90s was no longer a real peace policy and must be reconsidered and corrected before it is too late.
Wirklich wunderschöne Momente...... Die Farben, einfach herrlich!
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße