Donnerstag, 24. März 2022

Some willows and mistletoes


 In our region many trees have mistletoes in their branches.   
They aren't everywhere, only in certain places, 
 it is probably related to the earth's radiation.  
Mistletoes like earth radiation.  

So many are concentrated in certain places, 
 you won't find a single one anywhere else.

The skies in my photos are digitally edited,
because we often haven't any color in the sky in this season...
Here is an original:

And here are some more close-up shots of mistletoe.  
That tree (elsewhere) was fallen, I could take pictures
 from what else is way up in the sky.
They have ripe berries, poisonous, 
but also a medicinal plant.

10 Kommentare:

  1. So schöne Bilder. Es macht Freude sie anzuschauen!!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. ...mistletoe is an interesting plant, thanks!

  3. I do not think the large mistletoe grows as far north as I live (the American state of New York) - these pictures were so interesting.

  4. Meine Hochachtung,
    die Fotos hast du toll bearbeitet, klasse die unterschiedlichen Stimmungen, die dadurch entstehen !
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Wow, those willows with the mistletoe are really amazing. We don't have mistletoe here, and I was wondering what those "balls" were. Beautiful photos, and so interesting to look at. Thanks for visiting my blog too. Hugs-Erika

  6. Wonderful! Thanks for the Mistletoe closeup images. Just yesterday I heard a talk about parasitic plants on Stamps wherein Mistletoe (It is a parasitic plant) was mentioned. In fact the speaker described it in detail and how to spot its difference from Holly. Loved your images!

  7. So that’s how mistletoe grows. I reminds me of Spanish moss that used to grow a lot on the trees in our area. Very cool digital editing.

  8. The close-up shots of mistletoes were beautiful. Lovely photos!

  9. Wow! I don't think I have seen anything similar before. Thank you for sharing, Mascha. Such neat images you got.

  10. Fascinating photos! We have mistletoes in trees here in the US mid-Atlantic too. Yours seem more abundant and spherical, like winter decorations.


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