Montag, 21. März 2022

МЕГАПОЛИС БЛЮЗ - Megalopolis blues



Drezden - a band from Belarus and Ukrainy

 the newest song from march 12th 2022

Red faces of working men The orange vest snorts and laughs Shovel, stretcher, gravel and crushed stone Mom pushes a child into the trolleybus Gray strings of rusty wires Buzzing like banshee, blood boils Roller graders growl wearily Burp with longing diluted solarium Uuuu megalopolis blues I'm hiding in the closet, I don't go out, I'm afraid Uuuu megalopolis blues I'm hiding in the closet, I don't go out, I'm afraid Black pipes hide the devil I'm not afraid of him, I'm afraid of stargazing Kaleidoscope, black hole The Smorgon hatches are open until morning Somewhere the Penguin is gluing checks The Joker buys saltpeter at the drugstore Chuck Palahniuk, tranquilizer I will not leave today, especially tomorrow Uuuu megalopolis blues I'm hiding in the closet, I don't go out, I'm afraid Uuuu megalopolis blues I'm hiding in the closet, I don't go out, I'm afraid

(translation from google) 

2 Kommentare:

  1. nice to see artists from Belarus and Ukraine working together, it's too bad that politicians can't! Thanks Mascha for sharing today. Take care and enjoy a wonderful week.

    1. Yes, they work better together at the lower level: railway workers from Belarus have cut rails, no supplies for Russian troops can get through...


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