Montag, 9. Mai 2022

Pog aon oidche earraich





This song is one of my personally Top10

The six o'clock world
The days work over
Family, taking of the fruits
Of plenty, good health, and love
Russia is falling down around my ears
The middle east in a broth of darkness
And you, evil, murder, and fighting
In my life every night

Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening

The grasp that was so firm and special
Like a hammer in my fist
The moon that was so bright
And promised so much
We were like sailing ships
On the young, yellow ocean of the heart
Confronted by children, and the world family
Without voice, laughter, a God, or food

Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening
So where do the stars come from, I said
From where did the sun appear
We are so wounded below this moon
Souls tortured beyond hell itself
Still you keep bringing inspiration to my years
With blessings beyond my need
Whiter than the snows of each winter
The song of love, my confession of guilt

Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening

Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening

 The text probably goes back an meeting of Charles Edward Stuart
with Flora MacDonald (deutsches Wiki: hier)

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...a moody song that is new for me. Thanks Mascha for sharing. Take care and enjoy your week.


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